
3月, 2021の投稿を表示しています

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The Jungle Book 1994 Cậu bé rừng xanh Ratings 60/10 Review Subtitles Phụ đề ** (Jason Scott Lee, Cary Elwes, Lena Headey)1998 saw the release of a directtovideo film subtitled MOWGLI'S STORY, starring Brandon Baker as Mowgli and featuring a voice cast that includes Eartha Kitt as Bagheera, Peri Gilpin as Raksha, Clancy Brown as Akela, Brian DoyleMurray as Baloo, Marty Ingels as Hathi, and Sherman Howard asThe Jungle Book was a modest success and spawned two spinoffs – a theatrical sequel The Second Jungle Book Mowgli & Baloo (1997) and a tv movie The Jungle Book Mowgli's Story (1998) The Jungle Book (16) was a further liveaction remake from Disney Covers Box Sk Walt Disney S The Jungle Book 1994 High Quality Dvd Blueray Movie The jungle book 1994 full movie

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